12  DIDs and DID Documents

12.1 Overview

A DID Document (Decentralized Identifier Document) is a JSON-LD (JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data) structure which describes a Subject. This can represent the identity of a person, a thing, or a relationship between one or many entities. Contained in the document is information which can verify that identity without relying on a centralized authority.

A DID (Decentralized Identifier) is the canonical representation of a DIDDocument; a portable, compact hash, which can be passed around easily or stored to a database or blockchain. A DID can be resolved, revealing the full, parsable JSON encoded DIDDocument.

The spec for a did:prism DIDDocument can be found here.

An Example DID: did:prism:4a5b5cf0a513e83b598bbea25cd6196746747f065246f1d3743344b4b81b5a74:Cr4BCrsBElsKBmF1dGgwMRJRCglzZWNwMjU2azESBHRlc3QaOmtleTE6Ly8wMjM5MmYxNjc4NmNlNmQ0NzJlOGViNzA4ZWRjMmE3OTFmZGMxNzNkNjVkNTBhODNhMTk3N2I5ZmIwMmU0MjQSWwoGYXV0aDAyElEKCXNlY3AyNTZrMRIEdGVzdBo6a2V5MjovLzAyMzkyZjE2Nzg2Y2U2ZDQ3MmU4ZWI3MDhlZGMyYTc5MWZkYzE3M2Q2NWQ1MGE4M2ExOTc3YjlmYjAyZTQyNA

Let’s break down the format of this example DID:

  • did:prism: The prefix of the DID
  • 4a5b5cf0a513e83b598bbea25cd6196746747f065246f1d3743344b4b81b5a74: The DID identifier. This can be anything, as long as it is unique to the DID Document it is describing, and means something to your application.
  • Cr4BCrsBElsKBmF1dGgwMRJRCglzZWNwMjU...: The DID Document itself, encoded in base58

An Example DIDDocument:

  "@context": [
  "id": "did:prism:123456789abcdefghi",
  "controller": "did:example:bcehfew7h32f32h7af3",
  "verificationMethod": [{
    "id": "did:prism:123456789abcdefghi#key-1",
    "type": "JsonWebKey2020",
    "controller": ["did:prism:123456789abcdefghi"],
    "publicKeyJwk": {
      "kty": "OKP",
      "crv": "Ed25519",
      "x": "VCpo2LMLhn6iWku8MKvSLg2ZAoC-nlOyPVQaO3FxVeQ"
  "authentication": ["did:prism:123456789abcdefghi#key-1"],
  "assertionMethod": ["did:prism:123456789abcdefghi#key-1"],
  "keyAgreement": [ "did:prism:123456789abcdefghi#key-1"],
  "service": [{
    "id": "did:prism:123456789abcdefghi#messaging",
    "type": "DIDCommMessaging",
    "serviceEndpoint": "https://example.com/endpoint"

Let’s look at the components of a DID Document:

  • id: The DID of the Subject described by the DIDDocument
  • @context: This is an array of specifications used in this DIDDocument. The first element is usually https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1 but any other common definitions are JSONWebSignature or DIDComm2 Messaging protocols.
  • controller: An array of DIDs that are allowed to mutate the DIDDocument
  • verificationMethod: An array of information which can be used to verify the identity of the Subject.
  • Authentication Methods:
    • authentication, assertionMethod, keyAgreement: Arrays of locations in the Subject DID, referenced in a DID + anchor format (did:prism:1234#authentication0)
    • *Author’s note - Specify these in a more concrete way
  • service: An array of advertised methods of interacting with the Subject. These could be API endpoints for messaging or file storage systems, but any remote service can be added to add value to the DID.

An non-exhaustive example of a did:prism DIDDocument can be found here.

12.2 Resolvers

A resolver is a service that can resolve a DID to a DIDDocument. There are PRISM specific resolvers built into Identus SDKs, or you can also run your own resolver service.

Some third-party PRISM resolvers:

12.3 Controllers

Controllers are entities that can mutate the DIDDocument. Controllers are specified in the DIDDocument as an array of DIDs so they can be a person, thing, or organization.

Remember that DIDs can all be resolved to DIDDocuments, and each DIDDocument can point to people, things, machines, or services. Every mention of a DID can potentially be a chain of references to other services, or endpoints. There is plenty of room to be creative with this relationship graph.